Character and competence will always be the D.N.A of organisational success.

Even in a world dependent on technology human interaction will always remain key.

While there may be those that argue that the business of business is business, it has become increasingly clear that great people are vital to the success of any organisation. One of the paradoxes of organisational change and business excellence is the seemingly opposing needs of business and its people. Balancing these trade-offs is not always easy and extremes at either end of the continuum, not ideal. An over-emphasis on people can create a country-club mentality while an overemphasis on business on the other hand, means that results are often pursued without the much-needed attention as to how, and by whom, performance results are achieved. The road to or ganisational excellence will always require a balance between performance driven technology and the historically proven need to work well with people.

extraordinary people extraordinary results

Before we earn the authority to lead others we have to do the hard work of leading ourselves – pushing through limiting paradigms and moving courageously towards ambiguity and uncertainty. Vision and values are the foundation from which we work and developing positive and purposeful everyday behaviours creates the engagement needed for extraordinary results.. 


Learning is better when it’s shared. Technical silo’s and guarded expertise won’t take us far. Generosity expands our world view, embraces our humility and allows us to stand alongside others in making a difference. We hope delegates leave excited to share their knowledge generously and put what they’ve learned into practice.


Organisational change is seldom a solo performance. Let’s learn from others, ask more questions and listen wholeheartedly – honest feedback gives goal guidance and fosters focus. Let’s have more connecting conversations in the service of self and others. Our courses are meant to be colleagues in conversation, where content drives debate and people step purposefuly towards change and challenge.

positive people

The art of people and positivity can be transformative – brave hearts get up, dress up and show up. Our choice to be excellent begins by aligning our thoughts, words and actions with our intention to require more of ourselves. We know that authenticity and greater self-awareness takes some doing. It also  means having the heart to help and the passion to make a difference.


Commit and prioritise the delivery of customer value. Treat customers fairly. Invest in the client experience.


Celebrate unity in diversity,
multi-generational, multi-cultural and gender-fair workplaces, inspiring social change, connection and collaboration.

Connecting Conversations

Create opportunities for authentic communication. Real, relevant and on-the-level discussions, problem-solving and idea generation.

Emotional Intelligence

Manage emotional volatility and counterproductive behaviours. Improve stress responsiveness and build better relationships.


Mitigate and mediate problems and limit the negativity of conflict. Move beyond position, certainty and absolutism with integrity and intent.

For business to renew, adapt and remain relevant, employees need to learn, lead and manage in uncertain times.

While organisations and leaders have long recognised the need for technical upskilling and reskilling, it is successful organisations and courageous leaders that have embraced organisational change with a focus on the Social Sciences. It is Emotional and Social Intelligence that is becoming the Science of Success. IQ and technical competence are critical of course, but what separates the average from excellent performer, is that they bring both character and competence to the table. EQ and SI bring valued interactional skills that enable employees to adapt and embrace change and challenge. They are the skills of engaged employees and unified teams. It is only when people are fully engaged and committed to the work they do, that we will raise the bar when it comes to sales and service, productivity and profitability. It is only when we care, connect and cultivate a culture in which brave work, tough conversations, and whole hearts are the expectation, that we can sustain our competitive edge and deliver value more consistently, and this despite the market turbulence.


 integrity intent values virtues


knowledge skills results  capability


relationships communication collaboration


aspiration engagement sacrifice


humility kindness compassion

Truly effective people are far more than the sum of their knowledge and skill. Business acumen and technical competence are critical of course, but what separates the average from excellent performer, is that they bring both character and competence to the table. Building business relevant people skills, is essential if we are to raise the bar when it comes to sales and service. It is only when people are fully engaged and committed to the work they do, when they bring their head, hands and heart to every interaction, that we will see the results in sales and service and bottom line productivity and profitability.

Your playing small does not serve the world. Who are you not to be great?

Nelson Mandela


talented professionals say soft skills matter as much or more than hard skills.


talented professionals say soft skills are increasingly important to company success.

Four trends transforming your workplace 

  • Soft skills 91% 91%
  • Work flexibility 72% 72%
  • Anti-harassment 71% 71%
  • Pay transparency 53% 53%

Talent Insights January 2019

contact us

tel: +27(0) 82 555 7361


Our BBBEE  L2 status provides 125% procurement recognition. We are 100% female owned 51% black women owned and classified as an emergent empowerment and micro enterprise.