We make business human.

It is at the heart of who we are and what we do.

Making business human is at the heart of who we are and what we do because we know that when soft skills take off hard results soar.


It’s easy to talk about the benefits of a connected company culture – where individuals and teams feel a real sense of commitment and belonging. It’s another thing entirely to make it happen as a natural business process.

The art of people and employee engagement is built by intentionally shifting behaviours through learning and leadership.

Management and people skills are seldom taught well if taught at all, and unfortunately the effects are experienced throughout the organisation and customers feel this too.

Opinion seems to be that to get ahead it helps to get along and those with the best people skills win. There is no underplaying the way we lead, learn and interact with others speaks volumes.

People skills are deal breakers and differentiators and they are skills that can be learnt.  


When people are financially invested they want a return. When people are emotionally invested they want to contribute.

Simon Sinek



“We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.” 
Jon Rohn 

Making business human is the foundation of not only what we do but how we do it. We like to believe it is the reason for our success and why most of our clients are referrals. Thank you to our many clients who willingly refer us and to all our delegates who so often attest to the success of the training they’ve attended.



“The best businesses are the ones that combine passion, profit and purpose.”
Tony Hsieh

Making business human is at the heart of who we are and what we do. We are passionate about upskilling and reskilling individuals and teams as they step up and step towards change and challenge. We are on a mission to create workplaces where people show up and speak up and lead with purpose and passion.



“Be that somebody who makes everyone feel like a somebody.”
Brad Montague

We are mindful and always appreciative that we get to work with clients we really like doing work we really love. We strive to always walk our talk, to connect and collaborate and to listen, learn and interact with heart. It is our passion and privilege to work with clients and colleagues as we journey on in creating connected, engaged and resilient individuals and teams.



“Be Brave. Courage is Contageous.”
Brene Brown

This philosophy although quite simple is not always easy. It is a reminder to put in the extra effort and to go the extra mile, to take risks and be brave even if vunerable, in stepping towards change and challenge. Extra effort never goes to waste and will always lead to extra opportunity. We appreciatiate your feedback and our honest conversations as we look for opportunities to serve you better.



“The dream is free – the hustle is sold separately.” 

Done is better than perfect. The distance between what we want and what we get is what we do. To work brilliantly and live beautifully we need to roll up our sleeves and get things done. When we set the bar high and make winning a habit, we passionately perform at our peak and pursue our highest ideals. We love people who make things happen and we hope you see it in us because we see it in you.



“Listen, learn and see things in perspective” 
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Listen with curiosity, speak with honesty and act with integrity. A listening ear, warm smile or honest compliment has the potential to turn a situation around. Listening brings humility, empathy and understanding, it builds on our successes and we learn from our mistakes. Let’s listen, and learn more, see things in perspective and approach life with a little more playfulness.  



“Every human is an Artist. The dream of our life is to make beautiful art.”
Miguel Ruiz

Art is more than paintings and poetry, it’s our emotional investment in all that we do. As we transform what we do with purpose and passion, work becomes artful and not simply utilitarian. We see the masterpieces in all of you and are excited that we get to create together. We don’t for a moment fail to appreciate the many wonderful people who enrich and make what we do possible and here we say thank- you, to You and You and You.



“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care

Theodore Roosevelt

Service starts with intent and is seen in action. The finish line may move and keeping people happy isn’t always easy but we are reminded that when we are clear in what we offer and when we can clarify expectations upfront, we begin with our best foot forward. We look for better ways to interact, to get to know what you need from us so that we can ultimately serve you better. Because nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.   



“A good head and a good heart are a formidable combination.”
Nelson Mandela

Trust is the currency of all relationships and when we trust each other, like each other and want to work with each other, the rest is in the detail, we will make it work. We are committed to building your trust, by being reliable, consistent and always doing what is best for you. We bring our heads, hands and hearts to all we do and strive to show that character and competence are the DNA of who we are and what we do.


We love books

You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You’re on your own and you know what you know
And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go.

Dr Suess

  • The Motivation Manifesto – Brendon Burchard
  • The Power of Moments – Chip Heath
  • The Four Agreements – Miguel Ruiz
  • Principles – Ray Dalio
  • Purple Cow – Seth Godin
  • The Happiness Advantage – Shawn Achor
  • Tribes – Seth Godin
  • The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team – Patrick Lencioni
  • Give and Take – Adam Grant
  • The Alignment – Patrick Lencioni
  • Seeing Differently – John Seely Brown
  • Happiness at Work – Jessica Pryce-Jones
  • The Art of People – Dave Kerpen
  • Talents Never Enough – John.C. Maxwell
  • All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten – Robert Fulghum
  • The Little Prince – Antoine de Saint –Exupery
  • Dare to Lead – Brene Brown
  • The Tao of Pooh – Benjamin Hoff

contact us

email: info@trainingmania.net 

tel: +27(0) 82 555 7361
instagram #trainingmania




Our BBBEE  L2 status provides 125% procurement recognition. We are 100% female owned 51% black women owned and classified as an emergent empowerment and micro enterprise.