When Ziglar said “It is attitude more than aptitude, that determines altitude” many people saw it merely as a catchy phrase from a motivational speaker and a salesman at that!
Zig Ziglar went on to become America’s most influential author and business success, as he taught, trained and directed millions, by sharing his story and the message that everyone could achieve personal and professional success if they set their mind to it. Motivation isn’t of course a permanent thing but neither is bathing said Zig and yet it is something we would recommend on a regular basis.
Just for today, make up your mind to be happy and productive, no matter what. Just do it and then do it again tomorrow and the next day and the next day. While we can’t tailor make situations to work for us, we can develop an attitude to rise above and conquer situations. Your attitude will have a bigger impact on your success than any of your skills and talents.